
The Cherry Tree Has The Key To What Is Hidden

I see you found my site. here's a little quote for you: "The Cherry Tree has the Key to what is Hidden". this quote is one that i made up one day, and I now use it as a term for people to find my website by, should they find interest enough to type it into the search bar, and i have also placed it below the Welcome Banner. if you found this site, i encourage you to read at least a portion of each page, no matter how you found it.

this website is my blog/public diary, I am serious, I mean what I say, and this site is me, unfiltered, true, and as genuine as it gets, a doorway to my mind. you will hopefully understand this more clearly and blatantly after you read more, and that this site is for anyone to read, no matter your relation to me, or lack thereof. if you want to know more about me and why this site exists, go to the About Me page by clicking that link, or going in the navigation menu on the left, which you can bring up by clicking the menu (three lines) button at the top left of the page. if you would like to get some quotes from me, or poems, or any shred of wisdom that doesn't require you to understand everything on this site, check the Things to Quote page. or, if you would like, you can go to the My Delusions page to learn more about the delusions i have immersed myself into over the years to help myself cope, though if you want to skip all that you can go directly to My Words to read what i've written. but! before you do anything, scroll down to see the warnings I have posted below, one of which is more in depth in collapsible text, so you can know to click away, or be warned and move forward, as this site isn't like others. by the way, feel free to share this site, either by that quote and telling people to type it into the search bar, or sending the link to the homepage to a friend, i would appreciate it immensely as i made this site for myself, and for others to read what i wrote for myself, and hopefully learn from that; if i wanted its contents private i would leave it in an offline diary.

whether you choose to take this site as truth, as fiction, or as a mix of both, or not take it at all, and leave due to the warning below, it is up to you in the end. do with this information what you will, so long as it doesn't get me in trouble for anything.

as for that warning: this site has 0 filter, and i will talk about anything and everything I wish to on here, whether that be how my day went, or a very graphic story about something from one of my delusions, but i will talk about these things in detail and at length, however some of the more "extreme" content will be hidden behind collapsible text, such as the warning below. the warning below goes into further detail about the sorts of "extreme" content that may be on this site, open it at your own risk. also: i do not condone doing any of these things in any way, shape, or form, nor does anyone connected to this site in any way condone doing these things in any way, shape, or form, and these opinions, words, and this content is all my own, and as i said, it is subject to truthfulness, or lack thereof, as this entire site is.

Warning Below - Trigger Warning: explanation of warning using full graphic words ("self harm" instead of SH, for example)

this site is a "no holds barred" kind of site, and I will talk about very explicit, graphic, illegal, and inappropriate things on here, including sex, gore, graphic images, graphic descriptions, and texts that detail very graphic things such as murders, torture, abuse, rape, assault, molestation, etc, etc, pretty much anything and everything that could or would make someone uncomfortable. I mean this site as a place for talking about this stuff, my experience with it, or some other way that is constructive, venting, or in some way neutral or helpful in some way, and seeing as I am victim to a few things on this list, I'm certainly not going to be talking about them in a way that's wrong or fucked up (such as doing those things). since I can not control who sees it or visits this site, I'm gonna say that I, nor anyone connected to this site has any responsibility or blame if someone younger than they should be finds it, and besides, if they're too young to find this site, then they shouldn't be on the internet at all, or have parental controls, or something to keep them from finding such content. however, as i said, most of the more extreme and graphic content will be in collapsible text, and therefore slightly hidden, however these warnings apply to the entire site, regardless. again: i do not condone doing any of these things in any way, shape, or form, nor does anyone connected to this site in any way condone doing these things in any way, shape, or form, and these opinions, words, and this content is all my own, and as i said, it is subject to truthfulness, or lack thereof, as this entire site is. also, because i feel the need to say it: do not be a fanatic and get me in trouble by starting a cult or something, it's weird, and do not use the information and content on this site to get me in trouble.

hey, you, are you having trouble with the font above? well here's a font changer extension for chrome, and in firefox, go to fonts > advanced > disallow sites to use their own fonts instead of your selections. poof! instant readability!